Monday, February 2, 2009

The Big Day, Our First Day of School

Well the big day arrived and Tripp was off to school for the very first time! Chip and I both took him this morning to make sure our little guy got off to a great start. After lots of tears, hugs and kisses we left him in the care of Miss Jill and Miss Brooke. Tripp is in the Early Education Program at The Cathedral School and we are so very excited. We know that it will be a loving environment for Tripp to learn and grow.
I loved the new sneakers for the first day of school...too cute!


We had some of our friends over to watch the game Sunday and Tripp got to spend some quality cuddling time with them.

One Month Check-up (Jan. 26th)

We are happy to report Tripp is growing like a weed. We now weigh 9 lbs 15.5 ounces (just a hair shy of 10 lbs) and have grown a whole inch to 21.5. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight.
The doctor decided to go ahead and give Tripp his first round of shots so that we didn't have to go back until the end of flu season. Tripp was NOT happy and even cried his first big real tears. It broke my heart!

The battle wounds....I love these little legs!!

Luvin' the Wubbanub!

Who would have ever thought our vocabulary would consist of words like Bumbo, Boppy, and Wubbanub?? But now, we can't imagine life without them! Tripp is definitly attached to his "binky" so we had a little trouble finding one that would stay in as he drifted off to sleep. The Wubbanub is like a beanie baby attached to the binky....not 100% fail proof but works better than nothing. Not to mention Tripp likes holding on to the little doggie too. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

First go at the Bumbo....

Just a few pictures that I took this weekend...I couldn't resist. Oh- I know it's hard to tell but he is in his Bumbo for the first time in these pics. I had to stuff it full of blankets, and he still uses the back as a headrest about 30% of the time, but we are getting stronger everyday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tripp is now loving his baths!

Tripp has started to love bathtime, and we are so glad! There just isn't too many things cuter than him all covered in suds!

A few pics from his recent bath. Thank goodness for "No More Tears" the stuff really works. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wow, what an amazing day!

Let me start this off by saying that yes, I voted for Obama. Chip and I are both democrats--much to the dismay of many of my coworkers--but nevertheless we are. But yesterday had nothing to do with being a democrat. I started my morning off changing a diaper and giving Tripp a bottle. This was around 4:30am. I flipped on CNN to see what was new in the world and coverage had already begun....the crowd had started to file in and you could almost feel through the TV how exciting the day would be.

As usual Tripp and I spent much of the day on the couch glued to the tube but yesterday was different. Tripp and I had some long talks about what the significance of yesterday was (I know he didn't understand me and won't remember what I said, but I thought it was my duty as a mom to tell him)....and I realized how to Tripp having a black President would seem "ordinary" and I was so incredibly thankful. My son gets to grow up in a world that has embraced change--a new day with a little less hate.

In Chip and I's time, we have seen America rise together before...strangers hugging, people crying, risking ones life for another, and giving when you have nothing to give. But all of the times I can remember were a result of a disaster....Columbine, September 11th, The Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina...just to name a few. But yesterday was the first time I can remember America coming together to celebrate. I know this sounds corny, but it was as if for one day we all really were rooting for the common good. Not democrats, not republicans, not black, not white, and not rich, and not poor.

I can only pray that there are many more days like yesterday for my son. It was amazing and I was so proud.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Three Day Weekend

So, this weekend is a three day weekend thanks to MLK day and Chip got to stay home from work with us! Yeah!

We have had a great weekend, lots of much needed rest and lots of time with Tripp. It's amazing how "awake" he is now, such a change from his first few weeks at home. Saturday night we even slept seven hours in a row, so I am hoping that a full nights sleep isn't too far away. I know seven hours sounds like a full nights sleep but he got a head start on us--he was asleep at 8:45pm and woke up around 4am. So, not quite on the perfect schedule but I certainly can't complain too much for a one month old!

We also found out this morning that Tripp's little cousin Connor will be here very soon and we can't wait. My sister, Dawn, lives in Virginia with her husband and Connor will be here no later than late Wednesday night! Yeah! Good luck Auntie Dawn and we love you little Connor!

What was that Tripp? What did you say?

Friday, January 16, 2009

One Month Old Today!

Oh how time flies! Today, Tripp is one month old. Life has changed in so many wonderful ways; so, we thought we would share some of our favorite things from Tripp's first month with us.

1. We love all the little grunts (Tripp is famous for these), coos, and squeaks that now grace our ears every day. The first few weeks were pretty quiet but once he woke up, he just loves to talk about all sorts of things.

2. I love watching Tripp sleep on Daddy's chest so soundly and it is so cute to see him grab ahold of the neck of Chip's shirts. He just loves holding on tight!
3. Buddy has been such an incredible big brother, everywhere Tripp goes Buddy goes. Everytime Tripp is upset, Buddy is right there looking at us like "Hey-Please help brother, he is not happy." :)

4. We love watching Buddy try to play with Tripp, there has been more than one occasion where Buddy has taken Tripp his precious "Duck" in hopes that Tripp would play fetch.

5. We love watching him grow and grow and grow! He is now fully filling out his "Newborn" clothes and I bet we will be on to 0-3 months very soon.

6. We love the anticipation of the very first smile, we have had a few that I think were unintentional or caused by gas, but just waiting and trying to coax it out of him is so much fun!

7. I love that Tripp has made us parents. Sounds simple, but it has brought our marriage to a whole new level. Watching someone you love so much, love someone you would give your life for is so amazing.

So, in celebration of Tripp's first month, I thought I would share some of our favorite pics over the last 30 days.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tripp says "Hello" in his latest video

Sirens, Lights, and Firemen-OH MY!!

So Tripp had his first encounter with the brave men of the Little Rock Fire Department last Friday. I just couldn't resist taking a picture once the drama had subsided. (I will give you a hint: Look in the guy on the lefts hand :) )

They said Tripp was their most favorite rescue of all time, and I would have to agree!!!

Tripp's Nursery

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Tripp's arrival brought lots of visitors to the house, visitors we just couldn't have lived without. His first week at home, the Goodyear Family came to stay and helped us transition from life with just Buddy to life with our perfect Little Man. We had so much fun getting ready for our first Christmas, cooking all the Christmas goodies with Grammy, picture time with Super G-Dad, and all the cuddles from Tia (Aunt Whitney). Chip and I were so grateful for all the helping hands that allowed us to get a few winks in every now and again.

For Christmas, both families were here to celebrate with Tripp! We were so thankful that everyone could join us for his very first Christmas. It was a perfect day and we can't wait to celebrate many more!

Then, in January, Mimi (Chip's mom) and Auntie Emily came to visit! It was so nice to have them here to help watch Tripp and it gave me some time to get errands ran around town. I have learned that it takes great skill to take a newborn to run errands, skills I have not yet quite mastered. Thank you so much for coming, I know Tripp loved every second he spent snuggling with you both.

We are also blessed to have so many wonderful friends in our lives. We had a waiting room full at the hospital, a steady stream of visitors since, and lots of warm wishes and prayers. We could never have gotten through this transition without you guys and are so excited for all the memories we will make and the fun times we will have with Tripp.

We thank God everyday for blessing us with such wonderful loving people in our lives, and we just can't thank you all enough. WE LOVE YOU!!!!