Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Tripp's arrival brought lots of visitors to the house, visitors we just couldn't have lived without. His first week at home, the Goodyear Family came to stay and helped us transition from life with just Buddy to life with our perfect Little Man. We had so much fun getting ready for our first Christmas, cooking all the Christmas goodies with Grammy, picture time with Super G-Dad, and all the cuddles from Tia (Aunt Whitney). Chip and I were so grateful for all the helping hands that allowed us to get a few winks in every now and again.

For Christmas, both families were here to celebrate with Tripp! We were so thankful that everyone could join us for his very first Christmas. It was a perfect day and we can't wait to celebrate many more!

Then, in January, Mimi (Chip's mom) and Auntie Emily came to visit! It was so nice to have them here to help watch Tripp and it gave me some time to get errands ran around town. I have learned that it takes great skill to take a newborn to run errands, skills I have not yet quite mastered. Thank you so much for coming, I know Tripp loved every second he spent snuggling with you both.

We are also blessed to have so many wonderful friends in our lives. We had a waiting room full at the hospital, a steady stream of visitors since, and lots of warm wishes and prayers. We could never have gotten through this transition without you guys and are so excited for all the memories we will make and the fun times we will have with Tripp.

We thank God everyday for blessing us with such wonderful loving people in our lives, and we just can't thank you all enough. WE LOVE YOU!!!!

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