Monday, January 19, 2009

Three Day Weekend

So, this weekend is a three day weekend thanks to MLK day and Chip got to stay home from work with us! Yeah!

We have had a great weekend, lots of much needed rest and lots of time with Tripp. It's amazing how "awake" he is now, such a change from his first few weeks at home. Saturday night we even slept seven hours in a row, so I am hoping that a full nights sleep isn't too far away. I know seven hours sounds like a full nights sleep but he got a head start on us--he was asleep at 8:45pm and woke up around 4am. So, not quite on the perfect schedule but I certainly can't complain too much for a one month old!

We also found out this morning that Tripp's little cousin Connor will be here very soon and we can't wait. My sister, Dawn, lives in Virginia with her husband and Connor will be here no later than late Wednesday night! Yeah! Good luck Auntie Dawn and we love you little Connor!

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